Our Management Committee

Kendall Community Preschool’s Approved Provider is our Management Committee Executive, made up of wonderful volunteer parents and community members who are financial members of the preschool. The Executive positions on the Management Committee include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Officer, and General Members. The group meets monthly and works together in the best interest of the preschool, to oversee the long-term management and survival of this important community asset.  The Management Committee discusses preschool business, plans activities and fundraising, supports staff and considers policies and other legal requirements. It is the legal entity that operates the service, ensuring that it meets the responsibilities of the National Quality Framework and the National Law and Regulations.

Our AGM is held in November each year, where families can nominate to become part of the Management Committee Executive. The committee is an integral part of the preschool, where committed family members make critical decisions that allow the preschool to move forward and have seen it rise over the past 31 years to be the special, successful early learning environment that it is.

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